It’s our 20th ANNIVERSARY of this exclusive tournament! To celebrate this milestone, we promise BackSwing '24 will be bigger and better than ever... with more contests, prizes, and fun!
We are on the spectacular, private Bayview Golf and Country Club so we are limited to 120 golfers. Mark your calendars and register today. You won’t be able to take a MULLIGAN if you miss out on your shot to register!
And for those serious golfers... Ties? WHAT TIES??? We have made things even better for you! If there is a tie between two teams, we won’t have the computer system generate the winner but will run a short tie-breaking match for the first time ever!!!
The tournament timeline (subject to change)*:
*Please note the timeline and items are subject to change while we finalize the tournament with Bayview Golf & Country Club
Included in your registration fee: parking, green fee, power cart, use of practice range, lunch around the course, cocktail hour, beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), dinner, silent auction, contests, door prizes, treatment by our interns, and more!
CMCC STUDENTS & RECENT GRADS ('23 & '24) - again this year, we are offering YOU a reduced registration fee!
SPECIAL FOURSOME RATE - again this year, we are offering a reduced FOURSOME rate! Register your entire team TODAY and save! (Complete foursome names can be submitted at a later date).
DON’T FORGET! As in previous years, the first 60 golfers to register will be entered into a draw to win a $50 Golf Town gift card!
Bayview Golf & Country Club is an impeccably groomed, 18-hole championship golf course conveniently located at Leslie Street and Steeles Avenue in Toronto!
To date, CMCC BackSwing golf tournaments have raised more than $1.3 million since their inception in 2005. These essential funds help maintain CMCC’s role as an international leader in chiropractic education, research, and patient care. Last year, we are proud to say we were able to raise just over $60,000! We could not have done this without the support of our sponsors, donors, and participants, and we need your support again this year.
Prizes for each of these contests will be announced soon!
*Winners of: “Closest to the Pin,” “Longest Drive” and the “Winning Foursome” will receive a Crystal trophy.
CMCC is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that receives no direct government funding and relies on tuition and fundraising events such as BackSwing to deliver world-class chiropractic education, research, and patient care.
Interested in sponsorship and being an integral part of this prestigious tournament? Please click on the Sponsorship Benefits Packet below to view all of the branding opportunities at BackSwing '24!
Packet Currently not
We welcome the donation of products and services for tournament prizes and for the online silent auction which can be accessed from anywhere!
All donors and sponsors receive a tax receipt in accordance with CRA regulations.
We hope to see you there!
Should you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please contact Kristin Earle, Event Specialist at or 647 265 4186.
Thank you for your ongoing support of CMCC. We look forward to welcoming you, your colleagues, and friends to BackSwing '24!