1. Body Donation to the Anatomy program

Many people wish to bequeath their bodies for anatomy education and research thereby making a unique contribution to the advancement of chiropractic. In recognition of this wish, the Trillium Gift of Life Act and the Anatomy Act allow for such bequeathals, provided that there is no objection by the next-of-kin. Donation is supervised through the Chief Coroner of Ontario.Those who donate their bodies to a School of Anatomy and the families of these individuals are assured dignity and respect that society customarily grants to the deceased. Students preparing themselves for medical and allied health professions are fully aware of the special privilege granted to them. By both law and obligation, they have to conduct themselves in a professional manner during their study of the human body.

2. How to become a donor

Contact us at number, email or write to us at CMCC Anatomy Program, 6100 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON, M2H 3J1 to obtain a Body Donation form. Similarly, the form may be downloaded directly from our website, filled and mailed in. One form is to be completed and returned to the Education Program in Anatomy. A duplicate is sent to be retained and should be readily available to the next-of-kin or executor, with whom it is strongly advised the potential donor discuss their wishes. Following the death of a donor, the next-of-kin or executor must be in a position to act immediately on their behalf. Timing is crucial.

3. Who can be a donor?

Anyone may donate their body. There is no age restriction for body donation, however, illnesses and cause of death and BMI (Body Mass Index) largely determine who may actually be accepted. The suitability for acceptance will be determined as soon as possible at the time of death.

The Anatomy Department at CMCC can not accept the body of a donor until it has been deemed suitable for anatomical studies and is required by the program. All efforts to determine suitability will take place as quickly as possible before the transfer of the body to the College.

    There are several cases when we can NOT accept the body:
      Postmortem Examination (Autopsy)
    • Coroner’s Cases
    • Traumatic Cause of Death
      Infectious Diseases:
    • Hepatitis B and C
    • Septicemia ("blood poisoning")
    • Meningitis
    • HIV Infection
    • Surgical Infections including the gangrene and osteomyelitis
    • Tuberculosis
    • Clostridium difficile
    • Methicillin or Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, VRSA) positive
  • Ruptured aortic aneurysm
  • Recent major surgery
  • Very low or very high body mass index (BMI)
    • 4. Can the estate executor make the decision for someone?

      The estate executor can complete the form on behalf of the donor or rescind it, as per the wishes of the family. Part II of the Bequeathal Form must be filled out by the executor in order to donate the body.

      5. Can someone donate their body to a School of Anatomy and their organs for transplant?

      No. Organ donation and the body donation program are not compatible. Organ donation is not possible if a body is donated for education and research. Further information regarding organ donation can be obtained from Trillium Gift of Life Network (not affiliated with CMCC) :

      Trillium Gift of Life Network

      984 Bay Street, Suite 503, Toronto, ON M5S 2A5

      Phone: 416-921-1130 Toll-free: 1-800-263-2833

      Website: www.giftoflife.on.ca

      6. What happens to a body after donation?

      Typically, CMCC retains the body for a period of 24 months to three years, based on family consent. Depending on the needs of the Anatomy Department and the number of donations received, families may be asked for an extension of the donation. At the end of its educational service, family, friends, students, faculty, and staff are all invited to attend a memorial service at St. James’ Cemetery in Toronto, where a memorial stone commemorates our donors’ contributions to chiropractic education and research. Should the family wish, the cremated remains can be picked up by the next-of-kin for private burial or the remains can be interred in the CMCC plot at the cemetery.

      7. What happens at the time of death?

      Upon a donor's death, a physician or coroner must issue a Medical Proof of Death Certificate. The estate executor must notify McKinnon and Bowes immediately at 416 465 7508 or 1 800 268 6736. If the body of the donor is acceptable and required, McKinnon and Bowes will make the necessary arrangements to transport the body from the place of death to CMCC. Transportation costs within the GTA will be covered by CMCC. If the body is located outside of the GTA, the estate may incur transportation costs payable at the time of receiving billing from the Anatomy Department. The estate executor must provide the donor's documentation to McKinnon and Bowes for a death registration. The Anatomy Department does not deliver the body and does not process death registration.